Rev Dr Robyn J. Whitaker
BSc, BD (Hons), MTheol, PhD
Academic Publications
Below is a selection of my academic books and articles. Where they are available online I have provided links.
Revelation for Normal People
A Guide to the Strangest and Most Dangerous Book in the Bible
Publisher: The Bible for Normal People, 2023
Even the Devil Quotes Scripture

The First Letter of Peter
Ekphrasis, Vision & Persuasion in the Book of Revelation
Terror In the Bible
Rhetoric, Gender and Violence
Published by the Society of Biblical Literature, 2021
Articles and Chapters
“Apocalyptic Eschatology” in The Oxford Handbook of the Synoptic Gospels (2023), 412-429.​
“1 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John,” in Early New Testament Apocrypha (2022).
“Invoking Jezebel, Invoking Terror: Exploring the Sexualization of Conflict in the Biblical Tradition” in Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and Violence (2021), 107-120.
“The Tale of Two Feasts: Synkrisis in Matthew 14,” ABR 69 (2021), 1-14.
“Victim to Victor: The Appeal of Apocalyptic Hope,” Religions 11 (2020), 1-11.
“From Cross to Ascension: The Surprising Locus of Salvation in Luke-Acts,” ABR 65 (2017), 30-43.
“A Failed Spectacle: The Role of the Crowd in Luke 23,” Bib Int 25.3 (2017), 399-416.
“The Poetics of Ekphrasis: Vivid Description and Rhetoric in the Apocalypse,” in Poetik und Intertextualität in der Apokalypse (2015), 227-240.
“Rebuke or Recall? Rethinking the Role of Peter in Mark’s Gospel,” CBQ 75 (2013), 666-82.
“Falling Stars and Rising Smoke: Imperial Apotheosis, Idolatry, and the Christology of Revelation,” in Imagery in the Book of Revelation (2011), 199-218.